Monday, August 17, 2015

MTC Pictures

Heart Cookies Rule

At the Temple 

Sister Tua'iatnu and I - she is just the greatest

The classic MTC pointing pic (Elder DiNuzzo's and Sister Neeley's missions)

Sister Rolley, Sister McClain and Sister Tua'itanu, we all room together 
and are in the same zone

More temple day/Pday fun

 Sisters from my zone whom I love!! Sister Tua'itanu and I, and Sister Laytona 
and Sister Stewart

Me singing part of your world while looking at the BYU Campus out the window

My district at the sunday temple walk

First MTC email

Hello family!

I have a little bit of time to say I love you all and I am here safely. My Pday is on Tuesday so then I will have more time write you how I am doing. I love my companion Sister Tua'itanu, she is so fun and amazing. She is going to Modesto as well. I hope we can serve together at some point there, that would just be sweet. I saw Elder DiNuzzo twice yesterday and it was really really hard for me but I can see how much he has changed already and it really makes me so happy. He leaves Saturday for Indonesia, it is all finalized. He was showing me his Indonesian and he will he so great! I really miss you all and I get homesick but I know this is where I am supposed to be! I love you all so much and I can't wait to talk to you more on Tuesday. Our mail system did'nt get set up until today so I will get all the mail today at lunch, and from now on I can get it everyday. I love you and will talk to you soon.

All my love, 
Sister Eleanor Neeley